Tuesday, September 27, 2011


    Unlike adults, the ear canal in infants and small children inclines upward from the inner ear toward its exit in the throat. This anatomical uphill climb makes children more susceptible to earaches and inner ear infections.
    You do not have to have an infection to have an earache. Milk drinking after weaning, allergies, the common cold, and even teething can cause this problem. A cool breeze can set off ear canal muscle spasms. Many foreign substances have been removed from children's ear canals including beans, beads, blueberries, a live moth, and rocks.
Using cotton swabs to clean the ears can push wax and other materials to the back of the ear canal against the eardrum, causing damage. Rapid changes in air pressure (such as landing in an airplane) quickly identify the children and adults who have Eustachian tube congestion.
    We should also be aware that the American Medical Association has stated that formaldehyde in shampoos and air fresheners causes earaches. As a result, a serious consideration should be made to convert your home to safer products such as those made by Melaleuca.
    * Determine the cause of the pain, if possible. Cover a child's ears when out in cold or windy weather to prevent earaches. Loose cotton pushed into the outer ear canal can help protect sensitive ears. Holding the open end of Styrofoam cups firmly over the ears when landing in an airplane has a dramatic effect on preventing earaches in adults as well as children.
    A drop of warm T36-C5 or T40-C3 can be mixed with 5 to 10 drops of olive oil or other neutral oil. Insert the oil mixture directly into the outside ear canal with a dropper 3 to 4 times daily. Renew Bath Oil can also be used. Symptomatic relief is often given with antihistamines, CounterAct IB, CounterAct Pain, or CounterAct Kids Pain Reliever.
    NOTE: For children the mixture should be much weaker. Allow only one drop of T36-C5 or T40-C3 to 15-20 drops of pure virgin olive oil. The Melaleuca oil is very strong and if too strong a mixture is used, it creates irritation to sensitive tissues within the ear. NEVER use straight Melaleuca oil in the ear.

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