Sunday, October 2, 2011


    Some people have dry skin due to hormonal or nutritional deficiencies, prescription medications or a deficiency of essential fatty acids in their diet. Dry skin can also be caused by aging, the sun, or environmental stress. Hands that work in caustic or cold environments or those that are washed frequently (food handlers or health care workers) can develop excessively dry, cracked skin. Women who are going through menopause are very prone to dry skin and chapped hands. The decreased production of natural oils reduces moisture in the skin.

    Dry skin is usually found on the heel of the foot and around the ball by the big toe. On the hands, it is found primarily on the palms, whereas on the elbows it is on the unprotected outside skin. Sometimes cracked and dried skin is the result of psoriasis. It can be traced to frostbite. There is a fungus that may contribute to it as well. It could be a viral skin infection. In short, there are many opinions when it comes to figuring out what causes cracked and dried skin.
    * Wash the dry skin area in Antibacterial Liquid Soap, and then liberally apply Renew Intensive Skin Therapy. Apply Triple Antibiotic Ointment or MelaGel to the cracked or infected areas. Moisturizing Hand Creme should be used on your hands after washing to help restore moisture. When hand chapping has begun, apply Renew Intensive Skin Therapy every 4 hours until normal skin moisture is restored. Skin dryness that has invaded deeper tissues or caused swelling will require treatment with Triple Antibiotic Ointment every 4 hours. This will help to control the infection until healing is accomplished. Pain-A-Trate has been used by some patients with poor circulation. Take the Vitality Pack with Oligofructose Complex as directed, as well as the ProVex and/or ProVex-Plus to help improve skin suppleness and elasticity.
    When it is possible, protective gloves should be worn to prevent contact by water, chemicals and so on, with the skin.

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