These painful, pus-filled sacks of infection can occur in or on any surface of the body. Abscesses may start from a cut, scratch, pimple, ingrown hair, ingrown fingernail or ingrown toenail, hemorrhoid, or any piercing of the body. Improper treatment of an infection can. produce a characteristic swollen, red, painful lump. The typical bacterium which causes abscesses is Staph epidermis, which is found on healthy skin. While antibiotics are often necessary, the overuse of antibiotics, both by prescription and in the meat we eat, has led to the development of many antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria.
* Begin drinking Melaleuca Herbal Tea in place of other liquids 3 to 4 times each day. Apply T36-C5 to the abscess. This can help to lessen the pain of the abscess, due to the penetrating effects of the oil.
To encourage drainage and drive the T36-C5 into the wound, apply hot moist packs over the area. If the abscess can be lanced and drained, soak afterwards in a solution of 1 oz of Sol-U-Mel and 2 tbsp of Epsom salts mixed with I qt of warm water. Saturate a hand towel in the soluution, wring it out, then apply to the affected area for 10 minutes. Repeat every hour to speed the draining. Apply Triple Antibiotic.Ointment or MelaGel. If needed, cover with gauze to absorb any seeping fluid and keep the area clean.
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