So far, not much is known about this illness except that the number of people suffering from it has been increasing continuously in the industrial countries of the world. The main symptoms range from severe itching and reddening of the skin to papules and pustules. Experts do agree that its causes are in some way connected to the immune system. It could be a result of overreaction similar to what happens to allergies . It has been observed that people who suffer from neurodermatitis are frequently affected by illnesses that are also caused by an overreaction of the immune system, like allergic asthma and hay fever.
In nearly 90 percent of all cases, neurodermatitis appears for the first time before a person is six years of age. The risk of getting the disease is increased by inheritance, the mother smoking during or before pregnancy, or such socioeconomic standards such as excessive hygiene, stopping breastfeeding sooner, or the stress of holding down two jobs.
Neurodermatitis occurs intermittently and can be triggered by synthetic materials that irritate the skin, rapid changes of temperature, showering or bathing too frequently, contact allergens, natural allergens, food allergens, and stress.
*People with neurodermatitis have very dry skin. Taking oil baths in body temperature water and Renew Bath Oil can be very helpful. Renew Intensive Skin Therapy as well as the Renew Bath Oil directly on the skin is very effective for dry skin.
One of the basic rules for dealing with neurodermatitis is "moist on moist and dry on dry." This means that if acute phases are accompanied by discharges, you should apply moist compresses and cooling ointments and lotions. Contrary to this, during healthy intervals, you should use, as needed individually, the oil, ointments and cremes.
Products with Melaleuca oil are very effective in treating neuroderrmatitis because they work as a local anesthetic and cool the skin. It can also fight the skin infections that are frequently caused by the damaged immune system.
NOTE: Some doctors have had excellent results using Melaleuca oil and are in favor of using it with neurodermatitis. However, others are Critical of it and claim that it may cause a contact allergy. Discuss this with your health care provider.
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